Making that Great Impression – Part Two

Now that I have covered the basics on making your first impression at your new job, it is time to dive into more ways in which you can dazzle your coworkers. So what do employers eat up? Taking initiative! Being a self-starter shows that you want to work for the company and produce the best results. Don’t sit around waiting for a new task to be assigned to you. Be proactive and volunteer to do assignments even if you need a little guidance. People will appreciate your efforts and learn to trust you more with bigger assignments.

Another great tip which you should always abide by is avoiding office gossip. This is a big don’t! Any office you work in is going to be full of gossip and office politics. Your job is to avoid getting involved at all costs. Even if you don’t start a rumor it doesn’t matter; don’t repeat anything you hear. Whether the gossip is true or false it can jeopardize your job and make you look like either a liar or a gossip queen. Trash talking your coworkers is a sure way to land you in trouble or get yourself fired. So steer clear of office politics!

One of the best tips that I have taken to heart is participating in after-hours activities. Whether it involves company parties, happy hours, going out to dinner with coworkers or a company sports league, these activities can show that you care about the people you work with and that you want to get to know them outside of the office. Having this extra time to learn about their family, their hobbies and their goals in life helps you to bond with them. Not only can you find out that you have more in common with some coworkers than you thought, but making an appearance at parties shows that you have dedication to the company. Making that extra effort outside of work will be an excellent reflection on you as an employee. Believe me, your boss will remember the faces he or she sees at an after-hours gathering.

Finally, one of the most basic tips is probably the most important one – work full days and maintain a good attendance. Because you are new at a company you need to show your hard work and dedication by working longer hours than you normally would. Try to keep your sick days to a minimum and leave your personal time for the weekend. Be flexible with the needs of the company for the first few weeks you are there. After you have made an impression and feel comfortable then you can take longer lunch breaks and come in late after a doctor’s appointment.

Making a great impression takes some hard work on your part, but if you follow these steps it will all pay off in the end.

Making that Great Impression – Part One

You landed the new job. Time to celebrate! The first couple of weeks can be tough though. First impressions about you are going to shape your coworkers minds and leave a lasting idea on the type of person you are. These impressions can make an impact on your future potential and success with the company. So let’s make these impressions positive! Here are some tips on how to make a great first impression and fit in with your coworkers.

This will always be rule #1: Have a positive attitude. Be a team player, be willing to jump into any situation or problem to help solve it, show enthusiasm and leave non-work related problems at home. Your optimism will radiate through the entire office and leave your coworkers in a positive state as well.

Now for a silly yet significant step: Learn your coworkers names! It might sound dumb and trivial but it will make people respect you more and treat you as a member of the team. If you forget someone’s name then simply apologize and ask them for it again. Identifying your coworkers will help you bond with them and separate them from just another face in the crowd.

Finally, it is imperative that you ask for help from the veterans when you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! You were just thrown into a new role and you aren’t expected to know everything. Ask your coworkers for help and LISTEN to what they have to say. Be open minded, cooperative and take advice from the dinosaurs of the company. Those experienced guys could actually teach you something.

These are just the basics on making that great impression at a new company. You need to be eager, reflect a positive attitude and be willing to listen to your coworkers. Remember that you’re the rookie and that impressing these people has become part of your new full time job.