The Flip Side to Video Resumes

Why should the job seekers have all the fun making videos? Recently the tables have turned and it has become the employees pointing the camera on themselves. Employers see this as a way to attract the coveted Generation Y workers who are familiar with doing everything online.

Many tech savvy companies have made videos of their employees talking about a day in their shoes or the biggest misconceptions about their job. By providing these video diaries to online viewers, applicants can get a better understanding of the jobs and see if they would be a good fit in the company. By seeing the offices and the dress code it becomes easier for the candidate to see if applying is worthwhile or a waste of time.

These testimonials can give prospective employees an inside look at what the job is really like and can reduce preconceived notions about certain jobs and industries. The videos let employees show their passion and portray the spectrum of diverse individuals that can work for a company.

As companies turn to employee videos for recruiting, individuals are beginning to get a better feel for a company without blindly applying. Obviously no job seeker should rely 100% on these video testimonials. You can never really judge a company or a position until you are actually working in the office among others. Use these videos as a learning tool to help you focus your job search and better understand a job that might not be right for you.

How to Shine in Your Phone Interview

You apparently did a great job in impressing the hiring manager with your resume. Now you need to prepare yourself for the imperative phone interview. Successfully answering the posed questions is key to securing a face-to-face interview or landing the job altogether. How can you blow away the employer over the phone and make yourself pop off of that resume they are holding in front of them?

First you need to set yourself apart from other candidates. Brand yourself and sell your unique aspects to the employer. Make sure that he or she knows your specific talents and why you are so valuable. This will help hiring managers remember you when it comes time to separating applicants from the pack. On the phone it is also important to have a positive attitude and show enthusiasm. Because you aren’t face-to-face you need to use the inflection in your voice to show interest in the job. Next, make sure you are listening and answering carefully. Answer appropriately to the question you were asked and don’t ramble off topic. It is important that you stay alert to the questions and stay on topic because you can’t see an employer’s body language if he or she is getting bored with you. The next step is probably the most important; research the company! Be prepared to talk about why you are interested in the company. If you do your research you are able to flatter the employer by talking about specific campaigns and how you are impressed with the goals and projects of the company.

At the end of your phone interview you need to make sure that you know your next step with the company. Make sure you write down the name of the person you were speaking to and get the information for your follow up interview. Be positive, polite and show interest in the company. You can land that job with this little push in the right direction.